How CBD Oil Helps With Anxiety

 In this article, we will get to know how CBD oil helps with Anxiety.

Anxiety is a common phenomenon. We all have anxiety at some point in our lives. It is basically the natural reaction of our body to stress. But when it starts affecting our daily-life activities negatively, it is termed as an anxiety disorder. Ordinary anxiety comes in the short term. But, Anxiety disorder is different from ordinary anxiety. It is a disorder in which the problem of anxiety takes a more severe form and stays for a longer period of time.


Cannabidiol ( CBD), a type of cannabinoid, is a chemical present in mainly Cannabis. In short, it is a type of chemical present in Marijuana and Hemp plants. Researches are going on to study the role of CBD in lowering stress levels and helping anxiety disorders. But some early studies suggest that CBD oil can be helpful in treating anxiety and lowering its symptoms.

Mainly, cannabis contain two kinds of chemicals, namely:

  • Cannabidiol
  • tetrahydrocannabinol

CBD oil has Cannabidiol in it because unlike Tetrahydrocannabinol, it  does not lead to intoxication or the feeling of high associated with the cannabis. CBD oil is derived from Cannabis is used for treating anxiety, chronic pain, and insomnia due to anxiety. According to National Institute On Drug Abuse, CBD reduces stress in animals such as rats for Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). The physiological symptoms of anxiety such as increased heart rate also lowered in the subjects. However, more studies are going on regarding its effects on humans.


Some studies suggest that CBD reacts with CB1 And CB2 receptors. Receptors are structure  of chemicals based on protein and are attached to the cells of the body. They are present in different parts of the cell( cell membrane, nucleus, or Cytosol ). These receptors are responsible for sensing external stimuli.

The Receptors CB1 and CB2 are mostly present in the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system respectively.

As of now, there is no complete understanding of the way CBD interacts with these receptors . However, it is known that it may change Serotonin signals. Serotonin is a messenger that plays a very essential role in Mood Stabilization. This neurotransmitter is an important caretaker of you mental wellbeing.

People suffering from anxiety and depression disorders have been shown to produce lower levels of Serotonin. Traditional treatment for lower Serotonin levels includes SSRI( Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors ). SSRI are the most commonly prescribed antidepressants.

However, many people have been shown to manage their anxiety conditions with CBD instead of SSRI. CBD boosts serotonin levels. It changes the way chemical receptors of the brain react to Serotonin levels. CBD has proved to produce Anti-depression anti-anxiety effects on the brain.

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Benefits of CBD Oil

    • CBD Oil Helps with Anxiety and Depression
    • Relief from Chronic Pain
    • Helpful in Treating  Epilepsy
    • Beneficial for Heart
    • Has the potential to help Cancer Treatment

1. Treating Anxiety

CBD oil can be helpful in treating Anxiety and depression. These mental disorders can have a very severe impact on you life and emotional health. As the suggestions of the Some Research studies, CBD oils lower the symptoms of Social anxiety as well as PTSS ( Post-traumatic stress disorder). It is also helpful in combatting other forms of Anxiety.

If you mentally not well, you would never be able to live your life to the fullest. To combat anxiety, insomnia, Addiction, and get over Chronic pains, CBD products prove to be a boon. You can buy CBD products from Grateful Beginning Farm. Their whole range of CBD products is Sustainably farmed and USDA certified( USDA is an Organic Certification). It

2. Relief from Pain

CBD Oil interacts with the Neurotransmitters of the body .It lowers the sensations of pain due to Inflammation and Nerve Damage. Moreover, it can also relieve you from chronic pain.

3. Epilepsy

According to some studies, CBD oil reduces the frequency of Epilepsy attacks in people suffering from this disease. Further studies are going on in this context. But early studies suggest that CBD has the potential to treat and lower symptoms of epilepsy.

4. Beneficial for Heart

Some early studies have suggested that CBD oil can be beneficial for the heart. it has the potential to lower High Blood Pressure. As we all know, High Blood Pressure leads to a number of health problems including Strokes and Heart Attacks. Hence, CBD can be useful for preventing many health-related problems.

5. Treatment of Cancer

CBD oil can change the way Cancer cells reproduce. It can be useful for preventing the growth of cancer cells and reducing the caner-treatment-induced-side-effects. However, Research is still going on in this context.

Also read CBD VS THC


Given the enormous benefits , CBD oil helps people with anxiety. Moreover, It can be useful for treating other forms of mental disorders such as Depression. Many organizations are conducting studies to know the health benefits of CBD in a more comprehensive way.



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